Useful Commands
Below is list of useful commands. Click the arrow icon to display a usage example. For more detailed information on a command, run man command
Command | Description |
man |
Display the on-line manual pages |
who |
Show who is logged in |
passwd |
Modify your password |
pwd |
Print name of current working directory |
cd |
Change current directory |
ls |
List directory contents |
mkdir |
Make directory |
mv |
Move or rename files and directories |
cat |
Print file on standard output |
more |
Display a file, one screen at a time |
less |
Less is more (more or less) |
head |
Display the first part of a file |
tail |
Display the last part of a file |
cp |
Copy files and directories |
rm |
Remove/delete a file |
nano |
Simple text editor |
vi |
Text editor |
emacs |
Text editor |
gedit |
Graphical text editor |
id |
Print user identity |
whoami |
Print username |
groups |
Print the groups a user is in |
chmod |
Change file access permissions |
which |
Show the full path of a command |
touch |
Change file access and modification time |
echo |
Output a line of text |
date |
Prints the system date and time |
w |
Show who is logged in and what they are doing |
top |
Display and update sorted information about processes |
wc |
Print line, word, and character counts for a file |
file |
Determine file type |
gzip,gunzip |
Compress or expand files |
hostname |
Show the system's host name |
ssh |
Remote login program |
diff |
Compare files line by line |
grep |
Search a file for a string or pattern |
ed |
Line-oriented text editor |
ps |
Process status |
sleep |
Delay for a specified amount of time |
env,printenv,set |
Print environment variables |